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Artiklar & Insikter
Våra tankar om ledarskap, ledningssystem, företagande, styrning och certifiering.
Learn how to manage COPQ (cost of poor quality) to free up resources and save money. Discover strategies to enhance quality and increase profitability in your business.
A well thought out and adapted deviation management process is crucial to ensure quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction in the long run. Read our guide to get started.
Join CEO Alexandra's journey as she realizes the importance of effective anomaly management for her company's success. Through challenges and insights, she learns to see problems as opportunities and creates a culture of constant improvement. An inspiring business story about leadership, processes and profitability.
A severity matrix is an effective tool for comparing apples to apples instead of apples to pears, for example when it comes to deviation and risk management. Read more here.
Deviation management is an important part of the company's quality system and is often a requirement imposed by external parties, e.g. an ISO standard. Here we go over what deviation management is.
Patrik Björklund
December 21, 2022
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