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Internal audit
A requirement and a milestone on the road to certification. Read more and see how we can help you.
Internal audit is a process in which a company systematically reviews its management system and its processes to ensure that they meet the requirements of ISO standards that they are required to comply with, such as ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.
Why is internal auditing important?
Internal audits ensure that the company's management system operates efficiently and meets the requirements of ISO standards.
They also help the company identify any deficiencies and areas of improvement, as well as ensure that they comply with laws and other requirements relating to their business.
How is internal audit conducted?
An internal audit can be carried out over one or more days, depending on the size of the company and the scope of its activities.
It includes steps such as initial meeting, review of the company's background and operations, review of processes, compilation of results and discussion of possible improvement measures.
This includes reviewing the company's background, operations, and handling of complaints, discrepancies and suggestions for improvement.
Communication and supplier relations
It examines the company's internal and external communications, as well as its sourcing, supplier follow-up and purchasing processes.
Marketing, sales and delivery processes
Review of the company's marketing and sales processes, identification of customer requirements and expectations, as well as review of delivery processes and work environment management.
Staff competence and development
Review of employment, introduction, requirements for and verification of staff competencies, as well as planning and monitoring of skills development.
Leadership and risk management
Review of the company's leadership and commitment, including external analysis, strategy, business development, long-term and short-term goals, and management of operational risks.
Do you need help with an internal audit?
Contact us to find out how we can help you with your internal audit.
Upon certification, you prove that your management system meets the requirements of the current standard. And how to prove it? Well by making it through the 6 steps of the certification process.
Explore how KEY Relocation conducted its internal audit as part of its certification journey towards ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management), with unexpected and valuable insights along the way.
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