So glad you're here! You have ended up here because we have moved everything related to management systems and ISO certification from Cognite to AmpliFlow. The reason is simple: to clarify our offers and make it easier for you as a customer.
Articles & Insights
Our thoughts on leadership, management systems, entrepreneurship, governance and certification.
Learn how to manage COPQ (cost of poor quality) to free up resources and save money. Discover strategies to enhance quality and increase profitability in your business.
Learn about crisis management and emergency preparedness. A clear plan protects the organization against unforeseen events, ensures continuity, and preserves the brand's reputation. Protect your business!
Discover AmpliFlow's modern ISO certification tools. Focus on improvement, not documentation. Read our tips for optimizing the process and see concrete examples of how you can turn ISO requirements into a strategic advantage for your business.
Customer requirements management is the process required to identify, analyze, prioritize, respond to, and monitor customer requirements. Here we go over what it means and why it's important.
From anticipating threats to achieving goals — strategic risk management both protects and strengthens your business. Discover the five most important reasons why risk management is indispensable for the success and survival of your business.
Prepare for ISO certification without unnecessary documentation. You only need to write 20% of what you believe. Discover how AmpliFlow simplifies the process.
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