
Artiklar & Insikter

Våra tankar om ledarskap, ledningssystem, företagande, styrning och certifiering.

AmpliFlow lets you replace 30+ business management tools with 1

Discover how AmpliFlow simplifies management systems by replacing many tools.
Patrik Björklund
April 17, 2024

Discover how standard operating procesdures and process mapping can drive productivity and reduce risk

Learn how SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) and process mapping interact and play a central role in business management and how they are supported by ISO standards.
Patrik Björklund
February 1, 2024
Process mapping

Process Mapping 101: Learn how to create clear and efficient process maps with our guide

Learn how AmpliFlow's unique process mapping model, based on 20 years of combined expertise, makes it easier than ever to map your company's processes. Start today and see how you can improve efficiency within your organization.
Patrik Björklund
September 29, 2023

5 mistakes to avoid when mapping processes — and how to fix them!

Do you want to optimize your company's processes? Discover five common process mapping mistakes and learn how to avoid them in our informative guide. Click to find out more!
Patrik Björklund
July 18, 2023
Process maps

Modern process maps - more than showing the processes

Process maps are something whose meaning and significance have changed over the years. In this article, we explain why modern process maps are both revolutionary and provide more impact.
Henrik Gustafsson
December 19, 2022
Process mapping

What is Process Mapping in ISO 9001?

Process mapping is a way of clarifying the processes that are important for achieving the company's strategic objectives and is an important part of the work towards certification within ISO 9001
Patrik Björklund
November 3, 2022