
Artiklar & Insikter

Våra tankar om ledarskap, ledningssystem, företagande, styrning och certifiering.

4 Steps to a Good Policy

Create and implement effective corporate policies in four steps - communication, training, follow-up and updating
Patrik Björklund
June 25, 2024

AmpliFlow lets you replace 30+ business management tools with 1

Discover how AmpliFlow simplifies management systems by replacing many tools.
Patrik Björklund
April 17, 2024

What constitutes a good business policy? A Review of Best Practices and Theories

Explore science-backed principles and real-world examples to create an effective business policy that reinforces success and creates a positive work culture.
Patrik Björklund
July 6, 2023

What is a policy?

A business policy is a requirement for many companies, but what is it? What does it need to contain?
Joakim Stenström
January 24, 2023