Customize ISO standards for you, not the other way around — and 10 tips to succeed

Written By
Joakim Stenström
Joakim Stenström
June 15, 2023
ISO Standards

ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health management), are designed to help companies improve their processes and achieve their goals in quality, environment and work environment.

However, that Implement these standards can be a challenge, especially for businesses that want to minimize administrative burdens and unnecessary costs. In this article, we discuss how to use ISO standards effectively without making unnecessary adjustments to the company's current way of working.

ISO Standards: Flexibility and Adaptability

ISO standards are flexible and adaptable.

They consist of a number of main and sub-requirements, many of which overlap both within and between the standards.

This means that there is room for tailor-made solutions to suit the company's unique needs and operations.

We need to understand that ISO requirements are not just about filling out documents, but rather about implementing and maintaining a management system that contribute to continuous improvement in quality, environment and work environment - and make the whole company or organization better over time.

Adapt the management system to the needs of the company

We recommend avoiding unnecessary adjustments to the company's current way of working just to meet standard requirements. Instead, take advantage of the flexibility and adaptability of the standards and adapt the standard to you and your way of working to create the best effect.

The objective is for the management system to complement and improve the company's existing processes, rather than creating a new administrative burden or a system that does not correspond to reality.

IT systems in support of management systems

Efficient use of IT systems dedicated to management systems such as AmpliFlow's proprietary software are critical to making the journey as easy as possible.

By incorporating the related pieces into the digital tools needed to make it easy to lead and manage the management systems, we can ensure that we get the most out of the management system, while minimizing costs and complexity.

A well-adapted and integrated IT system can help simplify processes, improve communication and collaboration, and facilitate follow-up and control. This helps to achieve set goals in quality, environment and work environment in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

Focus on real impact and value

It is important not only to focus on the exact requirements and certification process, but also work to create real impact and value for the company.

This means understanding the business and needs of the company and adapting the management system so that it supports those needs without creating unnecessary costs.

By focusing on both the requirements and the unique situation of the company, we can ensure that the most benefit is achieved with management systems, while minimizing costs (both visible and hidden) and complexity.

10 tips for success

Avoid copying the management systems of other companies

Each company is unique, so copying another company's management system may result in it not fitting your business and its specific needs.

Taking inspiration from others or relying on experts with extensive experience is wise, but doing a clean “copy-paste” will not lead to much.

Don't document too much

Many companies tend to create extensive documentation that can be difficult to maintain and follow.

Focus on documenting the most important processes and update them regularly.

Here it is critical to take the time needed to understand the purpose of the requirements of the standards. That's what you need to fulfill and be able to show that you live by, not that you copied a text from a standard requirement.

Review and adapt existing processes first

Before implementing new processes to meet ISO requirements, review your existing processes and identify areas where improvements can be made.

In a process mapping usually holes or inaccuracies in current processes will be discovered, it is natural and a brilliant opportunity to rectify!

Involve management actively from day 1

Management must be engaged and actively support the implementation of the management system to ensure success. Without their commitment, it can be difficult (or almost impossible) to achieve the company's goals effectively.

Provide clear and regular training

Many companies fail to provide adequate training to their employees about the management system and its purpose.

By offering regular and clear training, you ensure that everyone understands and works towards common goals.

Also, take the time to reflect on whether a high educational need may be a symptom of something that is too complicated and can be made easier.

Set realistic and measurable goals

A common mistake is to set unrealistic or unclear goals for, for example, quality, the environment and the work environment.

Ensure that the goals are realistic, measurable and linked to the company's overall strategy.

Follow up and evaluate regularly

Many companies find it difficult to track their operations effectively throughout the year because they often lack a clear plan, such as an annual calendar.

They have trouble understanding and adapting the complicated ISO requirements to their everyday work. Therefore, they hold regular meetings and special ISO meetings separately, mostly to be able to check that they have done what is expected - without much effect.

Many also do not understand why they need to monitor the management system regularly and in a structured manner, including objectives, action plans, opportunities, risks and legislation.

They think they need to follow up on all the points all the time, but some things, like policy, only need to be reviewed once a year, while others, like targets and action plans, require more regular follow-up.

Establishing a plan and creating consensus on what needs to be followed up when and why is therefore extra important.

Communicate with stakeholders

A common mistake is not identifying and communicating enough stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers, but especially employees about the company's work with ISO standards.

By having open and transparent communication, you can build trust and strengthen your brand both externally and internally.

When stakeholders understand that you're doing things with the ultimate purpose of making their lives better, it's usually easier to get heard.

Adapt risk management to the business

Risk management is an important part of ISO standards. Many companies carry out a comprehensive risk assessment using a SWOTanalysis, which the management team conducts. This is good for finding risks and opportunities at a strategic level, but it often misses risk assessment of the operational risks. This is where most of the risks and opportunities are to realize their strategy.

Therefore, it is important to risk assess operational risks using process maps and to involve employees in risk assessment.

Implement changes step by step

Trying to implement all the changes at once can be overwhelming and lead to resistance from employees.

By introducing changes incrementally and continuously, you can ease the transition and increase the chances of success.

It also gives you the opportunity to continuously receive feedback on the work and be able to adapt future work over time for maximum effect.


In conclusion, it is important to approach ISO standards with an understanding of their flexibility and adaptability.

By tailoring the management system to the company's unique needs and operations, and using IT systems as support, companies can achieve their goals in quality, environment and work environment in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

If you need support and guidance to successfully adapt and implement ISO standards in your business, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you reach your goals and create real value for your business.

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