Why ISO 27001 is not just a matter for the IT manager

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
October 14, 2023
ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized framework for managing information security. It is a standard that establishes processes and procedures to protect the company's most valuable asset - its information. However, it is not only the responsibility of the IT manager to implement and maintain the ISO 27001 standard. In fact, the responsibility should lie with top management and here I will explain why.

Common misunderstandings about ISO 27001

Misunderstanding #1: ISO 27001 is just about technology

A common misconception is that ISO 27001 deals only with technology and IT. Many people think it involves installing security systems and firewalls, but in fact the standard covers a much broader aspect of information security. It includes guidelines on everything from physical safety to personnel awareness, incident management, supplier management and legal requirements.

Misunderstanding #2: Implementation of ISO 27001 can be automated

Many companies believe that they can automate the implementation of ISO 27001 through various tools. While there are tools that can facilitate the process, they cannot replace human judgment and leadership when it comes to creating a culture of safety within the organization.

Misunderstanding #3: Only the IT Manager should be responsible for ISO 27001

Since the standard is often incorrectly associated with IT, many believe that it is the job of the IT manager to implement it. But in fact, ISO 27001 requires commitment from the entire organization and should be led by top management.

Why ISO 27001 is a matter for top management

Management's commitment

ISO 27001 requires a clear commitment from the top management of the organization. This means that they must be involved in all phases of implementation, from planning to implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement.

Business understanding

It takes a high level of business understanding to fully understand the risks and consequences of information security flaws, it requires a holistic view of the entire enterprise. Management needs to ensure that safety measures are in line with the company's overall objectives.

Top management is in a unique position where they can see the entire organization and how different parts affect each other. This holistic perspective is crucial when implementing a standard such as ISO 27001, because it is about much more than just technical controls.

Creating a Safety Culture

ISO 27001 is not only about having the right technical solutions in place, it is also about creating a culture where information security is a natural part of the business. This can only be achieved if the entire organization, from the CEO to the individual employee, is engaged in the process.


Implementation of the ISO 27001 standard is not just a technical project that can be left to the IT department. It requires commitment and leadership from senior management to create an effective and sustainable safety culture within the organization. By understanding and taking responsibility for this process, business leaders can ensure that their organization is protected from information security risks in a way that supports their overall business objectives.

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