How to Set Smart Goals

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
March 13, 2024
Goal control

Setting goals is a great way to make the right things happen for individuals as well as companies. Without good goals, it is difficult to measure success, motivate employees and steer in the right direction. An effective way to formulate goals regardless of the overall target management model you use is by using the simple SMART model.

Example of a goal that is not SMART: “We're going to improve customer satisfaction.”

This goal is too vague and does not provide clear guidance as to how it should be achieved or measured.

Reformulated into a SMART goal: “We will increase the NPS (net promoter score) from 9.2 to 9.3 by reducing customer service response times by 15% before the end of Q4 2024.”

This objective is:

  • Specifically: It specifies exactly how to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Measurable: An increase in NPS and a reduction in response times of 15% is tangible and measurable.
  • Realistically: The objective is assumed to be based on an analysis of what is possible to achieve with the planned actions.
  • Timed: A deadline has been set for the end of the year, giving a clear timeframe.

By reframing the goal to be SMART, it becomes clearer and more actionable, increasing the chances of success.

Setting SMART goals is sometimes more art than science. It requires insight into the current situation, a clear vision for the future and an understanding of the resources available.

In a Swedish business culture, where collaboration and consensus are often highly valued, it is especially important to ensure that the goals are accepted and anchored throughout the organization. By following the SMART model, you can ensure that goals are clear, achievable and will actually add value.

However, goal management is not as simple as just formulating SMART goals. Read more in one of our other articles on goal management here.

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