Remember the ECDL, the computer driver card? Time for an AI driver's license?

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
September 12, 2024

As generative AI like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot become increasingly popular in both work and personal life, we face new challenges and opportunities.

One of the biggest challenges is understanding and dealing with the “hallucinations” that AI systems sometimes produce, as well as developing a source-critical capability to use these tools responsibly.

Just as the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) once helped us understand the basics of computer knowledge, perhaps now might be the time to think about an “AI driving licence”?

What are hallucinations?

Hallucinations within AI can be described as when the AI generates content that sounds believable but as has no basis in reality.

Examples of AI hallucinations:

  • Historical facts: The AI can claim that a historical event took place on a date that does not match.
  • Fictional people: AI can create detailed but completely made-up biographies of people who don't exist.
  • Incorrect quotes: AI can attribute quotes to the wrong people or create quotes that were never said.
  • Totally foundAI rarely says, “No, I don't know that.” It's more inclined to simply make something up isf.

The importance of evaluating sources

The ability to critically review information is crucial when we use AI tools.

Always make sure Check the facts and use multiple independent sources to verify information that AI generates for you. Also put a low trustworthiness generally on what AI says. Assess the credibility of the information presented and think through a couple of extra times if it is generated by AI.

AI driver's license: A necessity?

The idea occurs to us that just as ECDL verified basic computer skills, an AI driver's license might provide understanding of how to use AI tools responsibly. One of these could include:

  • Basic AI knowledge: Understanding how AI models work.
  • Evaluation of sources: Development of skills necessary to evaluate AI-generated information.
  • Ethical considerations: Insight into the ethical issues surrounding AI use.

AI will continue to play an important role in the future, and with it comes the need to understand and manage its impact. Developing a source-critical attitude and perhaps introducing an AI driver's license could be important steps to ensure we use these powerful tools responsibly and effectively.

What do you guys think? Is it time for an AI driver's license? Get in touch and we can discuss how to efficiently manage AI in your organization.

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