ISO certification - a cost-effective alternative to management consulting

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
November 9, 2023
Management consultants

What company does not want to improve its business?

One of the popular options for doing so has been to hire management consultants. But there is another, often overlooked option that can offer the same benefits, if not more - ISO certification.

What is ISO certification?

ISO, or International Organization for Standardization, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes international standards. Some of the best known include ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 45001 (occupational health management), and ISO 27001 (information security management).

Being certified according to these standards means that a company has implemented a management structure that meets the specific requirements specified in the respective standard. This shows that the company is committed to maintaining high quality, environmental, occupational health and/or information security standards.

How can ISO certification be an option?

At AmpliFlow, we look at certification not only as a stamp of prestige, but as a tool to improve operations. We believe that by combining expert consulting with smart IT tools to build management systems, we can deliver a new type of management consulting service - one that is more efficient, more focused and more cost-effective.

First, by complying with ISO standards, companies gain access to best-practice models in each area. These standards are designed by experts and are based on proven methods. By implementing these standards, companies can quickly identify and fix their weaknesses. Now lay a solid and proven foundation that you can then continue to improve continuously.

Second, by using our proprietary IT tool, we can more easily, quickly and efficiently create bespoke management systems to suit each company's unique needs and requirements - with minimal focus on documents. This makes the process more streamlined and efficient compared to traditional alternatives.

Finally, the certification process leads to a systematic review of the entire company - everything from strategy to operational activities. This allows companies to not only meet ISO requirements, but also identify opportunities for improvement throughout the organization.


ISO certification is more than just a stamp of quality - it is a powerful tool for business development. By combining expert consulting with smart IT tools, AmpliFlows offers a new kind of management consulting service - one that is tailored, efficient and cost-effective.

Benefit from ISO certification - an option that not only meets international standards but also helps you become better

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Everything from what standards require to how you implement a project to establishing a certifiable management system.
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Do you need help getting ready for ISO certification?
AmpliFlow can help you with everything you need to achieve certification. From smart IT systems to project management, training, internal auditing and much more. Book an appointment today to find out more!
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