Customer case: KEY Relocation - ISO certification as a hygiene factor

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
August 23, 2023
Customer case

KEY Relocation is a company that specializes in helping companies move their international staff to and from the Nordic region. They strive to provide their clients with a seamless and stress-free experience, from planning to execution. But to ensure they can deliver the same high level of service regardless of circumstances, they decided to ISO certify their business.

Certification in Quality and Environment

To reinforce its quality work, standardize the company's processes and strengthen its digital transformation, KEY Relocation turned to AmpliFlow. The goal was to establish and certify a management system according to ISO 9001 and 14001 that meets the highest quality standards.

“We have picked up in our customer and market research what we do well and what we can do better,” said Jonas Kempe, Country Manager for KEY Relocation. “We wanted to standardize so that all customers can expect the same type of customer service, response, attention and communication regardless of region or consultant.”

To do this, KEY Relocation chose AmpliFlow, a provider of smart IT tools and expert support in ISO certification. “AmpliFlow has been a key partner for us in our ISO certification process,” said Jonas. “They have helped us understand and meet the requirements of ISO standards, and their smart IT tools have dramatically reduced project time.”

The goal was to develop the company

Through its partnership with AmpliFlow, KEY Relocation has been able to focus on growing the business. “With AmpliFlow, we were able to focus on growing our business, rather than just achieving certification,” Jonas tells me. “They gave us the tools and support we needed to make a real difference in how our company operates.“

Another great advantage of AmpliFlow's solutions is the all-in-one concept - from idea to certification.

“We chose AmpliFlow because they offered an all-in-one solution — from idea to digitization to certification — which meant we could focus on our core business during the process,” Jonas said.

But it does not end at the certification.

For KEY Relocation, the ISO certificate is more than just a piece of paper — it's proof of their dedication to continuous improvement.

“We almost want to trivialize the certificate,” Jonas told me. “We want to highlight the work behind it. ISO certification is a priority - but it's more of a hygiene factor.”

Continuous improvement

Thanks to their work with AmpliFlow, KEY Relocation can now say with confidence that they are doing the right things, not only in terms of certification but also in how they run their business.

“We now have confirmation that we are on the right track and doing the right things,” said Jonas proudly.

Through this partnership with AmpliFlow, KEY Relocation has not only succeeded in standardizing its processes across all regions and services but also created a solid foundation for continued development and success in the future.

Read more about KEY Relocation's journey

We will be able to follow KEY Relocation's journey in more detail in the future. First up is a review of their internal audit and the unexpected effects of it, read more here:


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