Checklist: How to follow the Work Environment Act step by step

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
July 9, 2023
Work environment

A safe and healthy work environment is not only a moral obligation - it is also a legal one.

In Sweden, this is regulated by the Work Environment Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at protecting the health, safety and well-being of workers.

But what does the law actually mean and how can your company ensure that you comply with it? Let's take a deep dive into the subject.

The Work Environment Act, which came into force in 1977 and can be found here, applies to all workplaces in Sweden, regardless of size or industry.

Its main principles include the employer's responsibility to prevent ill health and accidents, to carry out systematic work environment work and to interact with employees on these issues.

Checklist for complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Act

To understand and comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act effectively, here are some steps to follow:

1. Education:

- Seek information and training on the Occupational Safety and Health Act and related areas. It can include physical aspects of the work environment, such as ergonomics and safety procedures, as well as psychosocial aspects, such as workload, work stress and conflict management.
- Conducts trainings for everyone in the company, including management, managers and employees.
- Ensure that everyone understands their rights and obligations under the law.

2. Risk assessment:

- Gather information about the place of work and duties. Take note of what can cause injury or ill health.
- Make a list of all potential risks, both physical and psychosocial.
- Assess each risk based on the probability that it would occur and its potential consequences.
- Prioritize the risks based on their assessment.

3. Action Plan:

- For each identified risk, develop an action plan to eliminate or reduce the risk.
- Include specific steps to carry out each action, who is responsible and a timetable for its implementation.
- Make a plan to follow up and evaluate the effectiveness of each action.

4th. Systematic work environment work:

- Appoint a person or team responsible for work environment work.
- Establish a routine for regular risk assessments and follow-up.
- Carry out regular evaluations of the work environment and work environment work, and make the necessary adjustments based on the results.

5. Documentation and incident reporting:

- Create a system for documenting all work environment work.
- Document each risk assessment, action plan and follow-up.
- Document all incidents and accidents, including what happened, why it happened and what actions were taken. Report these incidents to the proper authorities, as required by law.

6. Communication and participation:

- Create channels for communication and feedback on work environment issues.
- Encourage employees to participate in work environment work, for example by providing feedback or participating in risk assessments.
- Ensure that all employees are aware of the risks that exist in the workplace and the measures taken to manage them.

7. Use protection agent:

- Appoint a protection officer and ensure that they receive the necessary training and information.
- Include the safety officer in the work environment work, for example by consulting them in risk assessments and action planning.
- Give the safety officer the opportunity to exercise their rights, for example by giving them access to the workplace and the opportunity to participate in decisions related to the working environment.

8. Seek expertise when needed:

- If you encounter problems or if you are unsure about something about the Occupational Health and Safety Act, do not hesitate to seek external help. This can be legal advice or consultation from an occupational health and safety expert.

By following this checklist, your company can ensure that you comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and create a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. Remember, a good work environment is not only good for your employees - it is also good for your business.

If you would like more information on how you can improve your work environment and comply with the Work Environment Act with smart IT systems and/or expert advice, contact us today.

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