The best way to build management systems

Written By
Joakim Stenström
Joakim Stenström
December 20, 2022
Management System

Build a management system according to best practices

We can be a bit biased as management system experts, so of course we claim that our way of building management systems is the best way.

Many years of experience have boiled down to the following description.

Often, organizations wishing to certify themselves spend a lot of time creating regulations and describing in detail what should be done.

Or how you want it to be implemented.

But then they lose track of the actual implementation -- simply because it gets too overpowering for a reasonable period of time.

The methodology we work with takes a slightly different approach.

Minimal Documentation

We are trying to build as minimal a regulatory framework as possible. To make it simple and understandable.

Therefore, we always try to minimize the amount of routines, i.e. written text, and work more with processes that are the same thing — but in image form.

A picture actually says more than a thousand words.

When we talk about instructions, we want to put them in smart checklists that are easy to find and implement.

A well-designed checklist is an instruction when you look at it and haven't filled it out. Completed and ready, it is an accounting journal showing what has been done.

Maximum of motivation

Effective implementation of a management system is all about motivation.

“What do we gain as a company?” but also “What do we gain as a working group?” and “What do I gain as an individual?”.

In our opinion, it is more important to focus on the individual and the group than on the company as a whole when it comes to successful implementation.

It is more motivating when you can see the impact of what is being done and how it affects you in your everyday life both as an employee and a leader.

We therefore rely on the key people within the organisation who are skilled at what the business delivers when developing a management system but make sure to involve all staff in the organisation during the process to ensure that the description corresponds to reality and that everyone is aware of why and what to do, how it should be done and what to do if it does not go as planned.

Smart IT systems from day 1

We educate people on how the different IT tools work, where to find information and how we enable smart collaboration throughout the organization so that you save time — because time is money but also leisure.

There we work with smart IT tools from day 1.

Using Intranets, Microsoft Teams, AmpliFlow and similar tools creates impact and cuts costs, both during the implementation of the management system and the path to certification, but above all the time you need to spend on managing the management system after you have been certified.

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Everything from what standards require to how you implement a project to establishing a certifiable management system.
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Sve od što standardne zahteve za kako možete implementati projeći na upravljiva upravljački sistema.
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