Stakeholder Analysis: The Core of ISO 9001 and Successful Business

Written By
Joakim Stenström
Joakim Stenström
July 28, 2023
Stakeholder analysis

An effective management system, such as that designed according to the ISO 9001 standard, is based on a well-conducted stakeholder analysis. During this process, we identify, analyze and manage stakeholder needs and expectations, which is critical to meeting the requirements of the standard.

Understanding of Stakeholder Analysis in ISO 9001

When we discuss stakeholders, many people think directly about customers and their requirements. But the concept extends further than that. Stakeholders can also be employees, owners, management team, CEO, board of directors, suppliers and the community — both locally and in a larger perspective.

In order to get a clear picture of the stakeholders, it is important to identify and document different groups, their interests, degree of involvement, project assignments, activities involved and who is internally responsible for each group. We also take into account which teams are engaged or influenced within the company.

ISO 9001 emphasizes the importance of customer focus and continuous consideration of the company's stakeholders to create a complete picture of our business environment. This becomes the key to success when designing our products/services and managing our operations.

Involve stakeholders in the business

Stakeholder analysis should be a natural part of the company's everyday life and leadership. It is important to establish processes to take into account the views of stakeholders, encourage their participation and support, evaluate their points of view and improve the processes used to meet their needs and expectations.

All organizations must be prepared for change, as new technological innovations can create new needs and demands from stakeholders. Consider, for example, how digital healthcare services such as Kry and have changed the expectations of traditional health centres.

When identifying project stakeholders and their involvement, we should reflect on the following:

  1. Who is affected by our business?
  2. Do they need to be informed about how they will be affected by decisions we make?
  3. Who will actively participate in our business or its development?
  4. Who needs to be involved in influencing the different types of decisions we make?

By asking these questions, we can better understand our stakeholders and will thus be able to meet their needs and expectations in a more effective way.

ISO 9001 also requires us to manage risks that may affect our ability to meet stakeholder expectations, as well as to have systems in place to improve the quality of the products and services we deliver.

Certification according to ISO 9001 can help us ensure that we cover all the necessary elements of the management process, which in turn ensures that we meet the needs, expectations and requirements of stakeholders.

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