We're too small for a management system, aren't we?

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
September 12, 2023

A management system is more than just a series of rules and guidelines. It is about creating a structure that allows the company to grow in an efficient and sustainable way. It's about bringing clarity to the organization's goals, defining roles and responsibilities, and having systems in place for governance, decision-making and follow-up.

The management system as an engine of growth

For small companies with big growth ambitions, the question is not whether they need a management system. Rather, the question is when and how to start developing it. A well-designed management system can be a growth engine that helps the company manage growth in a more controlled way.

Why should you start early with the establishment of the management system?

There are several reasons why it is wise to start early with the establishment of the management system:

  • Create structure: A good management system helps to create structure in the business from the beginning, making it easier to manage growth.
  • Defining Roles and Responsibilities: With clearly defined roles and responsibilities, it will be easier for everyone involved to focus on their tasks.
  • Facilitate communication: A management system facilitates communication within the organization and helps to create clarity and understanding.

Establishment of the management system in a small business

Establishing the management system in a small business begins with defining the vision and goals of the company. It also includes establishing values and principles that should guide decision-making at all levels of the organization.

Next, it is about implementing systems for governance, monitoring and follow-up. This means, among other things, establishing procedures for regular monitoring of the performance of the business, as well as evaluating and revising the management system if necessary.

Concluding Thoughts

Building an effective management system when the company is small is an investment in the future. It gives you the tools to manage growth in a more controlled way, which in turn can make it easier for the company to achieve its long-term goals. So instead of thinking “we're too small for a management system”, you should think “we're just big enough to start building our management system”.


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