5 unexpected things about management systems that can cost you money (that are not about documentation!)

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
May 16, 2023
Management System

An effective management system is an important part of an organization's success but did you know that there are several aspects of management systems that can cost you money?

In this article, we'll address 5 surprising things about management systems that can affect your company's finances.

1. Lack of communication

A common pitfall in management systems is a lack of communication between different departments and levels within the organization.

When information is not shared effectively, it can lead to duplication, delays, and increased frustration among employees. Such communication deficiencies can affect productivity and ultimately cost the company money.

2. Generic Goals and Strategies

An inefficient management system can waste resources trying to achieve goals that are not relevant to the organization.

When goals and strategies do not align with the organization's priorities and are too generic, it can become difficult to achieve the desired results.

By ensuring that your organization's goals and strategies are clear and aligned with your business needs, you can avoid unnecessary costs.

3. Inefficient use of technology

A management system that does not take full advantage of the possibilities of technology risks becoming outdated and inefficient.

By not using modern tools to clarify processes and procedures, analyze data and improve communication within the company, you can miss out on significant cost savings and improved efficiency.

4th. Lack of staff commitment

If employees do not feel committed to the management system and the goals of the organization, it can be difficult to achieve the desired results.

Lack of engagement can lead to higher staff turnover, increased recruitment costs and reduced productivity.

By investing in staff development and engagement, you can improve your company's bottom line and save money in the long run.

5. Irregular follow-up and evaluation

Without regular monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system, it is difficult to identify and fix problems.

By not following up and evaluating the system, inefficiencies and problems can go unnoticed, which can lead to increased costs over time.

A systematic follow-up and evaluation of the management system will help you identify and solve problems before they become serious and costly.


A well-functioning management system is critical to the success of an organization.

By being aware of these 5 unexpected things that can cost you money, you can optimize your management system and avoid unnecessary expenses.

To do this:

  1. Improving communication within the organization and ensure that information is shared effectively between departments and levels.
  1. Aligning goals and strategies following the needs and priorities of the organization to avoid wasting resources.
  1. Harnessing the possibilities of technology to automate processes, analyze data and improve communication within the company.
  1. Invest in staff development and engagement to reduce staff turnover and increase productivity.
  1. Implement regular follow-up and evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system to quickly identify and solve problems.

By focusing on these areas, you can create a more effective management system that not only saves money, but also helps drive your organization forward towards greater success.

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