Guide for implementing and using an impact grading matrix in AmpliFlow

Patrik Björklund
Jan 21, 2025

This guide aims to help you effectively manage risks and deviations as part of your quality and risk management work. In AmpliFlow, we use what is traditionally called a severity matrix for both positive and negative things. For example, to classify deviations, improvement suggestions, and goals. Therefore, we call it an impact grading matrix. But at its core, it is the same thing.

Basic Understanding

The matrix is a tool that helps you assess, prioritize, and make objective comparisons between different things on the same basis. To understand more about what this means, you should read our articles "What is a Severity Matrix" and "Everything You Need to Know About Severity Matrices".

In AmpliFlow, we have chosen to use the term "impact matrix" instead of "severity matrix" to better reflect its broader application. An impact matrix encompasses both positive and negative aspects of various events or initiatives within the organization. This provides a more comprehensive view of impact, allowing for a balanced assessment of both risks and opportunities. By including positive aspects such as improvement suggestions and goals, organizations can focus not only on minimizing risks but also on maximizing their strengths.

Advantages of an Impact Matrix:

Using an impact matrix offers several benefits for the organization:

  1. Objective Comparison: An impact matrix allows for the objective comparison of different types of impacts, whether they are positive or negative. This ensures that all aspects are assessed on the same basis, increasing fairness in decision-making.
  2. Prioritization: By classifying impacts, organizations can more easily prioritize which actions to take. This is particularly important when resources are limited and there is a need to focus on actions that will have the greatest effect.
  3. Efficient Decision-Making: A clear and structured assessment of impact facilitates quicker and more efficient decisions. By having a common understanding of what is most critical, organizations can act more proactively and strategically.
  4. Holistic View: By including both risks and opportunities in the assessment, the organization gains a more holistic view of its operations. This helps to identify not only what might go wrong but also what can be improved or further developed.

How Should It Be Done?

A substantial part of the work is already done, thanks to us providing you with a draft of a generic impact grading matrix. What you need to do now is:

  • Review the matrix and update each relevant row so that the text in the different columns aligns with your business.
  • Add any new ones you are missing and remove unnecessary ones.
  • Update the information page in AmpliFlow where you describe how you work with deviation management.
  • Go through and check off the activities (final step) in the checklist.
  • If you are working with a consultant from AmpliFlow, notify them that the work is ready for review.

Examples of Grades That May Exist in a Matrix

Category: User Experience in Our Product

1 - Very Low: I wouldn't notice if it got better or worse.
2 - Low: I expect this to work well already today, but I can live with the current solution.
3 - Moderate: Frustration - I get irritated every time this doesn't work well.
4 - High: Anger - I get angry and actively speak ill of the system to customers and colleagues every time it doesn't work.
5 - Very High: Require compensation if it doesn't work.

Category: Work Environment & Product Safety

1 - Very Low: Physical or mental discomfort or minor injury.
2 - Low: Could have caused sick leave due to injury.
3 - Moderate: Injury causing sick leave or potentially life-threatening.
4 - High: Injury where life and/or work situation is affected permanently.
5 - Very High: Life-threatening or fatal injury.

Category: Costs

1 - Very Low: 0 - 5,000 SEK
2 - Low: 5,000 - 25,000 SEK
3 - Moderate: 25,000 - 50,000 SEK
4 - High: 50,000 - 100,000 SEK
5 - Very High: >100,000 SEK

Tips for Successful Implementation

  • Ensure everyone working with the impact grading matrix understands what it is and why the work is being done.
  • Be clear about the division of work in the project to create the impact grading. Make sure to assign a responsibe person for every task.
  • Set a clear timeline and schedule any follow-up meetings now.
  • Less is more! This cannot be overstated. Fewer grades to choose from means less work for employees.

By following this guide, we hope you have a smooth and efficient experience with the impact grading matrix in AmpliFlow. If you have any questions or need further support, please do not hesitate to contact our support.


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