Why you should consider an ISO standard instead of doing internal efficiency projects

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
October 25, 2023
ISO Standards

Why should we trust an ISO standard instead of just doing the efficiency work ourselves? It is a common question that can arise in companies.

Implementing standards may seem like a tedious process, but there are a number of strong reasons why it can be more beneficial than trying to solve problems internally.

1. Proven methods

ISO standards are designed by experts in various fields and are based on proven methods and best practices. By using these standards, your company can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of industry experts.

2. Structured process

ISO standards provide a clear and structured process for implementing and maintaining a system, regardless of area. This is especially useful if your company is new or lacks internal expertise in this area.

3. International recognition

ISO standards such as ISO 9001 (quality management), 14001 (environmental management), 45001 (occupational health management) and 27001 (information security management) are internationally recognized. This means that they are accepted and respected worldwide, which can increase your company's credibility with customers, suppliers and other business partners.

4th. Continuous improvement

ISO standards provide a framework for continuous improvement, helping your business continually improve at what you do.

Following a standard does not imply mediocrity

A common misconception is that implementing an ISO standard would lead to mediocrity. On the contrary, the standard helps companies achieve the highest possible quality in their field. It provides basic guidelines and best practices for building an effective system, regardless of area.

Each company can then apply these guidelines in its own unique way and strive for continual improvement, which can lead to superior performance and competitive advantages. In addition, companies that become certified according to ISO standards show that they take their quality obligations seriously.

Following a standard doesn't necessarily mean being “just like everyone else.” Rather, it provides a framework for success that each company can leverage in its own unique way.


Becoming the best in your industry is not just about adhering to standards, but also about how you apply them in your specific context, how you constantly strive for improvement based on them, and how you deliver value to your customers.

Want to know more about how you can make your trip even more efficient? Get in touch with us.

Why should we trust an ISO standard instead of just doing the efficiency work ourselves? It is a common question that can arise in companies.

Implementing standards may seem like a tedious process, but there are a number of strong reasons why it can be more beneficial than trying to solve problems internally.

1. Proven methods

ISO standards are designed by experts in various fields and are based on proven methods and best practices. By using these standards, your company can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of industry experts.

2. Structured process

ISO standards provide a clear and structured process for implementing and maintaining a system, regardless of area. This is especially useful if your company is new or lacks internal expertise in this area.

3. International recognition

ISO standards such as ISO 9001 (quality management), 14001 (environmental management), 45001 (occupational health management) and 27001 (information security management) are internationally recognized. This means that they are accepted and respected worldwide, which can increase your company's credibility with customers, suppliers and other business partners.

4th. Continuous improvement

ISO standards provide a framework for continuous improvement, helping your business continually improve at what you do.

Following a standard does not imply mediocrity

A common misconception is that implementing an ISO standard would lead to mediocrity. On the contrary, the standard helps companies achieve the highest possible quality in their field. It provides basic guidelines and best practices for building an effective system, regardless of area.

Each company can then apply these guidelines in its own unique way and strive for continual improvement, which can lead to superior performance and competitive advantages. In addition, companies that become certified according to ISO standards show that they take their quality obligations seriously.

Following a standard doesn't necessarily mean being “just like everyone else.” Rather, it provides a framework for success that each company can leverage in its own unique way.


Becoming the best in your industry is not just about adhering to standards, but also about how you apply them in your specific context, how you constantly strive for improvement based on them, and how you deliver value to your customers.

Want to know more about how you can make your trip even more efficient? Get in touch with us.

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