A day in the life of a CEO: With and without a management system

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
July 24, 2023
Management System

As a CEO, leading a company can be challenging to say the least. But have you thought about how an effective management system can be the difference between chaos and control?

Let's compare a typical working day, hour by hour, with and without a management system.

Without a management system

05:00 - Wakes up to a feed of notifications on Microsoft Teams about vendor issues, customer complaints, and product quality issues.

07:00 - The commute to work is used to gather your thoughts and try to strategize how to solve these problems.

09:00 - The morning is devoted to trying to solve the problems received instead of working on the strategic question of how to expand the company in the international market.

12:00 - Lunch is eaten in front of the computer while trying to deal with an unplanned incident report of a workplace accident.

15:00 - The afternoon is devoted to trying to understand why the company's carbon dioxide emissions exceed the permissible limits, instead of focusing on the company's product development.

18:00 - The working day ends but thoughts still revolve around work issues during family time and you are not really present.

22:00 - The evening is devoted to answering unresolved questions and conversations before it's time to sleep.

With a management system

6:00 a.m. - Wakes up to a calm flow of messages on Microsoft Teams. Thanks to the company's management system, all processes are under control and all incidents are handled efficiently.

08:00 - Arrives at work and can focus on strategic issues, such as the international expansion of the company, thanks to the effective quality control system.

12:00 - Lunch is eaten in peace and quiet, knowing that the company's OSH management system effectively manages any workplace accidents.

15:00 - The afternoon is devoted to product development instead of solving environmental problems, thanks to the robust system of environmental management.

18:00 - The working day ends on time, and the evening can be devoted to the family without work-related distractions.

21:00 - The evening is devoted to relaxation, knowing that the management system of the company takes care of everything that is not really critical for real.


Putting in place an effective management system can transform a CEO's workday from chaotic to controlled. With the right systems in place, you can focus on driving the company forward, instead of constantly putting out fires.

So why not take the plunge and invest in a management system today?

It can be the best decision for both your business and your personal well-being.

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