Assign permissions

All registers and many functions in AmpliFlow may have different permissions. Users do not automatically get access to features just because the feature is turned on for your account under Administration/Settings.

When a feature is turned on, for example, after upgrading to a new plan or when a new feature is about to be launched, the only one who has access to the global role is the user with the global role Administrator.

The administrator's first job is often to assign one/multiple users or teams that Owner for the function. Owners have full access to the function and its data and can also assign new rights.

Before a function even appears in the menu, you as a user need to have at least Read permissions to the function, which can thus be assigned by a Administrator or Owner.

How do I assign permissions?

In this guide, we'll walk you through how you, as the owner of a registry, can assign permissions. In the example we go through how to do in a custom list but it works the same way in other registers.

In the upper right, if you are an administrator or have Owner permissions for custom lists, there are three dots. Click there and then on Permission Settings and a dialog box will pop up where you can assign permissions to users or groups.


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